Laser Dentistry

In recent years, laser dentistry has superseded many traditional dentistry practices, making treatments more precise and less painful.  This newer style of dentistry utilizes intense beams of light projected by a dental laser.  Dental lasers can be used to perform a wide variety of treatments, including soft tissue shaping and removal.

The FDA deemed laser dentistry to be safe for public usage in 1990.  Since then, many dentists have incorporated dental lasers into everyday procedures – reducing bleeding, anxiety and post-treatment recovery times.  The beauty of dental lasers is that they damage far less of the surrounding tissue than traditional techniques – which means less discomfort and pain.

Here are some of the other benefits associated with laser dentistry:

  • Faster healing and tissue regeneration.
  • Preservation of more of the natural tooth.
  • Reduced bleeding during and after treatment.
  • Reduced risk of bacterial infections after procedures.

How can laser dentistry help me?

Laser dentistry is incredibly versatile and plays an important role in a growing number of common dental procedures.  Though laser dentistry is most notably associated with cosmetic treatments, it is equally effective for preventative purposes.

Here are some of the ways that Dr. Gary Wiele utilizes dental lasers:

Soft Tissue Lasers

When gum disease occurs, the irritation and inflammation of the surrounding soft tissue causes the gums to recede. This recession allows tartar, or calcified bacteria, to travel toward the root of the tooth, leading to advanced periodontal disease. This chain of events leads to the further gum recession for neighboring teeth, increasing the likelihood of tooth decay and loss, as well as contributing to complications with other health concerns such as heart disease and diabetes.

Supplemental to scaling and root planing, Dr. Wiele uses soft tissue lasers to reverse the effects of gum disease. The laser eliminates oral bacteria as it creates a pathway for the deep cleaning instruments to reach below the gum line. Once the tartar and plaque has been cleared and the root surface has been smoothed, the laser is used to complete the sterilization process. Especially when compared to the results of traditional periodontal therapy alone, treatment with soft tissue lasers encourages diminished gum tissue to regenerate effectively.

Low Level Laser Therapy for TMJ

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is where the lower jaw bone connects to the rest of the facial skeleton. Due to a number of contributing factors, disorders can occur at this important junction, leading to limited motion and discomfort. Low level laser therapy, or LLLT, has shown to be effective in producing relief for patients with TMJ disorders. In this therapeutic approach, Dr. Wiele uses a laser to treat the area near the joint, reducing inflammation and muscular strain. After this procedure, patients are able to enjoy eating and speaking comfortably again.

How are laser procedures performed?

Different types of dental laser have been created to treat different conditions.  Each laser uses a different wavelength of light, which predicates its best use.  Dr. Gary Wiele will decide which type of laser is best to use after conducting X-rays and a thorough examination.

The laser beam is extremely bright, and special glasses will be provided to protect the eyes.  The dentist will then direct the beam at the affected area and carefully dissolve the soft tissue, harden the filling or whiten the teeth.

The procedure will take far less time than conventional methods, and cause far less anxiety and discomfort. 

If you have questions or concerns about laser dentistry, please contact us today! 


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